Excerpted from the author of “The Biology of Belief”
"The new science of epigenetics recognizes that environmental
signals are the primary regulators of gene activity. As described
in my book, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of
Consciousness, Matter and Miracles, cells read and respond
to the conditions of their environment using membrane protein
perception switches. Activated switches send signals to control
behavior and regulate the activity of the genes.
This editing process can provide for normal or dysfunctional
protein products from the same gene. You can be born with
healthy genes and through epigenetic processes, express
mutant behaviours, such as cancer. Similarly, you can be born
with defective mutant genes, and through epigenetic mechanisms,
create normal healthy proteins and functions. Perceptions shape
biology and behaviour.
The conventional belief that the genome represents the equivalent
of a computer's 'read-only' program is now proven to be false.
Epigenetic mechanisms modify the readout of genetic the code--
which means that genes actually represent 'read-write' programs,
wherein life experiences actively redefine an individual's genetic
expression. The 'new' biology is based upon the fact that
perception controls behaviour and gene activity!
The control is with YOU."
~ Bruce Lipton
signals are the primary regulators of gene activity. As described
in my book, The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of
Consciousness, Matter and Miracles, cells read and respond
to the conditions of their environment using membrane protein
perception switches. Activated switches send signals to control
behavior and regulate the activity of the genes.
This editing process can provide for normal or dysfunctional
protein products from the same gene. You can be born with
healthy genes and through epigenetic processes, express
mutant behaviours, such as cancer. Similarly, you can be born
with defective mutant genes, and through epigenetic mechanisms,
create normal healthy proteins and functions. Perceptions shape
biology and behaviour.
The conventional belief that the genome represents the equivalent
of a computer's 'read-only' program is now proven to be false.
Epigenetic mechanisms modify the readout of genetic the code--
which means that genes actually represent 'read-write' programs,
wherein life experiences actively redefine an individual's genetic
expression. The 'new' biology is based upon the fact that
perception controls behaviour and gene activity!
The control is with YOU."
~ Bruce Lipton