Many people believe that happiness is something that just happens or that it’s circumstantial, but you might be surprised to know that this isn’t true. Happiness is a skill that can be learned. Some learn naturally throughout their lives but unfortunately, many people never learn that the power to be happy rests within themselves.
There are many ways to develop the happiness habit. Eating healthy foods, exercising and getting enough sleep help us feel much less stressed. Meditation and/or self-hypnosis help us feel more empowered and enable us to see the world in a happier light. All of these boost our natural “feel good” chemicals and make us more resilient (to say the least!)
Taking the time in your day to laugh, have fun and spend time with loved ones, even for just a few minutes can remind us of the joys in life. Also, it’s important to look for inspiration in your life in order to remain optimistic. Whether it’s a movie, a poem or some good advice, having go-to resources to help direct your perspective in a positive way is key.
Happiness is a choice that we make every moment. The more you choose it, the easier it is so that the highs of life greatly outweigh the lows.