We all have negative thoughts that can be bothersome. These negative thoughts have power only because we believe them to be true and not for the lies that they are. Some are “programs” that can be corrected with hypnotherapy and some can be dealt with on your own on a conscious level.
I frequently teach clients a powerful technique developed by Byron Katie called “The Work”. It takes only a few minutes and it trains us to question these negative thoughts and free ourselves from their grip. This technique consist solely of identifying the negative thought and then asking four questions about that thought. They are:
- Is it true?
- Is it absolutely true?
- How do you feel when you believe that thought?
- Who would you be without that thought?
Then simply turnaround that statement to the positive equivalent and affirm it to yourself. It’s that easy! We can never be completely free of all negative thought, but we can take away their power and live the confident, happy life we deserve.
For examples and/or assistance feel free to schedule an appointment or go to http://thework.com/thework-4questions.php.