Many people at this time of year feel their motivation waning or already having
failed them in regards to their New Year's resolutions. The statistics are
staggering and rather disheartening mostly because we don't think through our goals and plan
plan accordingly. Here's to Round 2!
· Know that most people underestimate their lack of motivation and overestimate
their willpower.
· It's good to take an honest, but kind, assessment of the problem/goal. How long
have you been struggling with it? What have been the ramification of the problem
/ not having achieved the goal? What have you learned from previous attempts,
successful or unsuccessful? What resources do you have at your disposal, internally
and externally?
· Identify the consequences of doing nothing. You won't be focusing on this but
it is important to identify these and to make an initial list so that you are honest
with yourself (no avoiding or denial!) and to increase motivation, at least enough
to commit to a plan.
· Identify the "Reason Why." This is one of the most powerful calls to action. Identify
your emotional and logical positive motivations and remind yourself of them constantly.
· Make your actions automatic and a part of your schedule so you can't make excuses.
(e.g., exercising first thing in the morning before you've had a chance to get too
busy or pre-making healthy meals so they're readily available.
· Create short term and long term goals so you don't overwhelm yourself.
· Create a manageable plan and just trust that it works. Take the steps in the plan,
be patient and simply tweak as you go along.
Naturally, reassess at planned appropriate intervals that make sense and are decided
during planning. Unfortunately, most people do the opposite....get impatient,
giving themselves excuses to stop. If that happens to you, don't worry or judge
yourself. Just start at the top of the list again, and again if needed.