There are many ways to access the subconscious mind and inner self for healing. Self-hypnosis and mediation are common and well-known but I would like to present a simple, at-home technique that is less known about. The process is simply writing with your non-dominant hand, a technique discovered by Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D. and discussed in her book “The Power of Your Other Hand.”
Writing with your other hand feels awkward at first, and you may want to start by simply writing your name or doodling. To get the process moving a bit more, you can ask yourself a question with your dominant hand and then answer it with your non-dominant hand. To be most effective, it’s best to find a quiet, private place to express yourself without pressure of time. Don’t worry about messiness or slowness as this is normal. Don’t rush the non-dominant hand and let it be comfortable and heard, perhaps for the first time. This is a tool that is easily learned, as you can see, but becomes more free-flowing quickly when done in a comfortable, non-judgmental setting.
Studies and her research show that in doing this, one can be more creative, expressive and intuitive as well as to gain insight in certain situations and issues. One can heal relationships in the present and heal from the past. One can release old emotions stored in the body and even discover new talents and strengths. So the next time you’re wondering what’s going on with you, ask your other hand! It just may have an answer for you.