Why is it that one person can quit smoking cold turkey and another struggles endlessly? Or why some people just can’t stop themselves from procrastinating no matter what they do?
Many who come to me, struggling to correct a habit, confess they feel “weak” or they have no will power….but they’re wrong. The truth is that the only difference between these two people is whether or not there is a subconscious “blockage” to the change. In many cases, it even takes far greater effort to continue the undesired habit than to stop, draining the person of vital energy as they experience an internal battle.
Will power is a conscious act, and is needed for change, but the subconscious mind is much stronger that the conscious mind and therefore always “wins”.
Blockages can be known or unknown but must be resolved. Only then can the person feel empowered with the positive change they seek.
This applies to many aspects of our lives where we struggle (and prosper!) as our beliefs and thoughts reign supreme, creating our reality. So, the next time you’re fighting yourself, bring some love, understanding and forgiveness to the situation. Digging a little deeper into the subconscious mind can make things much easier.
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