
In the last few newsletters, I've taught a couple of techniques on how to get back to your “center”, including self-hypnosis and an emotional maintenance technique. If you missed them, you can click on my blog link below to catch up. This month, I'd like to address meditation. Although there are countless techniques and tons of information on the topic, I will attempt to simplify and clarify but also generalize for the sake of ease of this lesson.

The purpose of meditation is to observe and/or quiet the “monkey mind.” With regular practice, one has improved health, clarity of mind and greater happiness. Different meditations also provided various other benefits, depending on the technique. With all forms, it is suggested to find a quiet place and either have silence or play meditative music as well as to sit or lie comfortably. Sitting up is preferred if physically possible to prevent falling asleep. The goal is “restful awareness.” Also know that falling asleep is common with the chronically stressed who have little experience being in a place that is neither sleep nor running around. Set an alarm and just keep trying. (Anyone read “Eat, Pray, Love?)

Here are just a few techniques:

Breathing- Focusing on your breath (and the space between) calms the nervous system, focuses the mind and increases oxygen and healing. Be sure to breathe deeply into your belly at a natural, but easy pace. Breathing into the upper part of the torso increases stress!

Mantra – The use of a mantra is very common and beneficial for a number of reasons. The action of speaking/chanting causes sound healing in the mind, body and energy field, as well as relaxes and focuses great intention on the word or phrase. One may also just think the mantra silently but experts agree that vocalizing has a stronger effect.

Simply Observe – This technique is not intended to control the mind but to simply watch it. As you notice your thoughts, be non-judgmental and be sure not to buy into the thoughts either. Then you'll notice that you're noticing and wonder about that too! Be accepting and curious, observing wherever the mind goes. Do not try to direct it, just observe it calmly.

Singular Focus – this may be on a candle flame, feeling of love, connection to the Universe, sitting on the beach. Whatever this may be, let it be something calming, a joyful mental vacation or the way you'd like to feel, such as loved, happy, etc.

The benefits of meditation begin after just a few minutes and the more you practice, the greater the benefit. Remember that even 5 minutes can help when you're short on time. Life is stressful and we all need a way to regularly relax. Feel free to experiment and discover what feels good and works for you. Some feel that the morning works best and others, the evening or even right before bed. Some dislike certain forms but enjoy others. Also, many people feel that meditation is frustrating or that they're doing it wrong because they have to keep pulling their mind back to the focus or back to observing objectively. In fact, meditation is the act of doing that very thing, over and over and over. This is normal and the whole point of it!

Good Luck and Happy Meditating!

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