
Most of us have experienced resistance in one form or another, whether it be trying to change a habit, achieve a goal or simply moving in a new direction in our lives.

Resistance can be tricky, taking the form of external obstacles, internal struggles or just plain exhaustion.  Resistance tells us in many ways not to go there or do that.  If we believe resistance, we may be deterred feeling as if we cannot overcome. But we can.

What we resist, persists.  Even resistance!  Here are a few tips to overcoming this.

  1. The only way to get past resistance is to accept it.  Negative energy + negative energy = more negative energy.
  2. Do your best to take the emotion out of it and be as objective as possible.  The more attached you are to the outcome, the more difficult it will be.
  3. Have a plan and set manageable goals.  For example, choose an exercise plan that can be long term rather that short term and impossible to maintain.
  4. Be patient, troubleshooting along the way.  Don’t expect it to always be smooth.
  5. Be kind to yourself.  Move in the direction of your goal calmly, consistently and persistently.
  6. Take a break when you need to.  Sometimes we just need to wait until we are more ready, more relaxed or more in alignment.  When you have no control and nothing is working, do nothing for a time.
  7. Be kind to others.  When those around you seem less than supportive, know that they may not be able to relate to your particular situation or may not know how to help or communicate support.

Calmly and steadily moving in the direction of your goals is the best way to achieve them: for your health, for your happiness and to maintain balance with the rest of your life.  And resistance will never see you coming.