Getting Back to Center

Often times it feels like life is a process of being pulled off course and getting back on, and I think we can all agree that this would not be far from the truth. Rest easy knowing that this is the great struggle that we all face in this modern world of ours...maintaining our flow and ease is a world that sometimes seems full of chaos and stress.

Whether it's an increase in work, relationship or health issues or just a busy time, we need to do our best to stay as centered as possible throughout and also to take the time to get back to center as soon as possible.

Being centered is a natural place where you feel healthy and capable. Not everything has to be perfect, but you feel competent, empowered and able to handle life's challenges with some sense of peace. Being off center creates varying levels of stress (some unknown on a conscious level) which in turn can create physical, emotional, energetic and mental imbalances. The longer and the more intense, the more the impact is generally felt.

Getting back to center sometimes takes work and time, working through an issue or discovering what's not working in our lives and making changes. If you've never known this place, it's imperative to discover it, and it's essential to our health, happiness and relationships to be there as much as possible. Sometimes it means just stopping to rest and rejuvenate, even just getting some extra sleep. It certainly involves a regular relaxation program or stress outlet, whether that is exercise, meditation/self-hypnosis or even just laughter. Allow your intuition and subconscious mind to guide you as to what's best for you. In the next few newsletters, I will suggest and teach a variety of simple but effective methods to assist you. 

Wishing you all a centered, happy, healthy life!