
In the last few newsletters, I've taught a couple of techniques on how to get back to your “center”, including self-hypnosis and an emotional maintenance technique. If you missed them, you can click on my blog link below to catch up. This month, I'd like to address meditation. Although there are countless techniques and tons of information on the topic, I will attempt to simplify and clarify but also generalize for the sake of ease of this lesson.

The purpose of meditation is to observe and/or quiet the “monkey mind.” With regular practice, one has improved health, clarity of mind and greater happiness. Different meditations also provided various other benefits, depending on the technique. With all forms, it is suggested to find a quiet place and either have silence or play meditative music as well as to sit or lie comfortably. Sitting up is preferred if physically possible to prevent falling asleep. The goal is “restful awareness.” Also know that falling asleep is common with the chronically stressed who have little experience being in a place that is neither sleep nor running around. Set an alarm and just keep trying. (Anyone read “Eat, Pray, Love?)

Here are just a few techniques:

Breathing- Focusing on your breath (and the space between) calms the nervous system, focuses the mind and increases oxygen and healing. Be sure to breathe deeply into your belly at a natural, but easy pace. Breathing into the upper part of the torso increases stress!

Mantra – The use of a mantra is very common and beneficial for a number of reasons. The action of speaking/chanting causes sound healing in the mind, body and energy field, as well as relaxes and focuses great intention on the word or phrase. One may also just think the mantra silently but experts agree that vocalizing has a stronger effect.

Simply Observe – This technique is not intended to control the mind but to simply watch it. As you notice your thoughts, be non-judgmental and be sure not to buy into the thoughts either. Then you'll notice that you're noticing and wonder about that too! Be accepting and curious, observing wherever the mind goes. Do not try to direct it, just observe it calmly.

Singular Focus – this may be on a candle flame, feeling of love, connection to the Universe, sitting on the beach. Whatever this may be, let it be something calming, a joyful mental vacation or the way you'd like to feel, such as loved, happy, etc.

The benefits of meditation begin after just a few minutes and the more you practice, the greater the benefit. Remember that even 5 minutes can help when you're short on time. Life is stressful and we all need a way to regularly relax. Feel free to experiment and discover what feels good and works for you. Some feel that the morning works best and others, the evening or even right before bed. Some dislike certain forms but enjoy others. Also, many people feel that meditation is frustrating or that they're doing it wrong because they have to keep pulling their mind back to the focus or back to observing objectively. In fact, meditation is the act of doing that very thing, over and over and over. This is normal and the whole point of it!

Good Luck and Happy Meditating!

Emotional Maintenance

In this series of newsletters, I've been addressing various ways to center ourselves and to be in control of our own state. This technique is a very simple, yet profoundly powerful way to release emotions that have built-up from life's experiences, that we have taken on from others or even just feelings we want to release in the moment. This is one of the most important things we can learn in life and much of what is considered illness and aging is simply lots of emotion stored in our bodies.

When doing this for the first time, it might be helpful to prepare a list beforehand of a full range of common emotions one experiences in a lifetime, trying to remain objective. We all experience and internalize all emotions to various degrees. For example: anger, resentment, hatred, fear, worry, stress, sadness, despair, disappointment, judgment, blame, shame, embarrassment, worn down, overwhelm. Add or subtract as you see fit. If you're just stressed, focus on that one emotion. Even it's a mixture of emotions or you can't name it, focus on that feeling and it's just as effective. I strongly recommend “cleaning house” the first time you do this and then just maintaining as needed.

Sit comfortably in a chair. This is not hypnosis, but focused intention. Take a few relaxing breaths through your belly and imagine your feet are like the bottom of a tree and the roots are extending into the earth, grounding you. Mentally scan your body and mind and imagine that you can see or sense that emotion. Perhaps you see it as a dark cloud around you or sense that there is a vague feeling in your chest. Whatever it is for you, imagine gathering it up and releasing it down into the earth via your roots to be healed. Give yourself the time needed for each emotion. Be firm and persistent, yet gentle, kind and relaxed. Remind yourself that you are not that emotion, you no longer need to hold on to it and there are no benefits. Sometimes you may need to release an emotion in stages if it feels particularly big or strong. That's OK. Also, it's important to know that some people feel the benefits strongly and others do not. This is not a reflection of effectiveness but looking back later, you will notice that you feel better or are less triggered by things.

When you feel that you have been helpfully cleared, imagine a beam of light in whatever color you like coming down from the sky and filling you up with a wonderful emotion. See it filling in the spaces where the negative emotions were. Joy, love and peace are great suggestions but let yourself be guided as to what best suits you. Set your intention that this is your new norm. When you can sense that, feel it or see it, open your eyes and go about your day allowing yourself to feel better.

If there are any questions or something is unclear, feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to assist in any way I can. Enjoy the emotional control and good feelings!

Teaching Self-Hypnosis

In a recent newsletter, I mentioned how being centered and “in the flow” as much as possible was paramount to health and happiness. Over the next few newsletters, I'll teach a variety of easy and enjoyable at-home tools to help you do just that, starting with my favorite – self-hypnosis, of course! 

There are many studies showing the remarkable effectiveness of self-hypnosis, perhaps the most well known being the one with basketball players in the 1970's. In this study, they had one control group practice free throws on the court and another group just visualize shooting free throws. The group with the most improvement was the visualization group, who didn't set foot on the court! Even the Chicago Bulls head coach Phil Jackson used self-hypnosis daily with the team when he coached Michael Jordan and the Bulls to their incredible 6 NBA Championships in the 1990's.

Of course, self-hypnosis can be utilized for anything, not just sports. We want to literally create our ideal reality and selves with this powerful tool. Even your body will respond as it's controlled by the sub-conscious too! Self-hypnosis is a stress management tool as well as a method for change and healing. Other benefits include better sleep, better health and greater happiness overall. This tool also optimizes your brain to better problem solve as well as strengthening your inner self and inner knowing.

Here are the guidelines you'll want to follow:
Take a few minutes to relax yourself. Choose whatever works for you such as imagining you're at the beach or another enjoyable place. I personally like to imagine any stress, negative energy (from myself or taken on from others), etc. leaving my body and as it does a feeling of peace, love and calm energy is what remains. Feel free to be creative and have fun.

Once you are relaxed, imagine what you'd like to create/achieve and experience it in the present tense as if you're really there. Some people are visual, some sensory and some auditory. It doesn't matter if you're not “visual.” Bring in as many senses as possible and natural for you. Then let yourself enjoy being there for a few moments (or longer if you like) and the satisfaction, joy and pride of having achieved it. Relish it for a time! If you have a number of goals, create a “ mental video clip” that includes all goals. This is much more effective than lots of different smaller goals.

Do self-hypnosis daily when possible. It doesn't have to be lengthy and repetition is better at regularly setting your intention and keeping you on course. A great time to do this is at bedtime. The last thing you think or feel as you're drifting off to sleep is what your mind focuses on all night long, creating more of the same and doubling the benefits of your efforts.

Don't try to control the details or other people. For example, if you're interviewing for jobs, just see yourself happily employed and knowing you're in the right place. Do not focus on one company and be open to all opportunity. The same applies for relationships. If you're already in a relationship, see you both as happy and loving. Don't worry about how you'll get there as there are infinite possibilities, which you are opening yourself and the relationship up to. 

As you can see, the process is simple, relaxing and enjoyable.

Another option for self-hypnosis is guided session, which some prefer, as they feel deeper and can accept more suggestions. It is, however, important to be able to do this on your own for specific goals and to know that you're in control and able to create whatever you choose.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments or post them on my blog for others to benefit as well.

Getting Back to Center

Often times it feels like life is a process of being pulled off course and getting back on, and I think we can all agree that this would not be far from the truth. Rest easy knowing that this is the great struggle that we all face in this modern world of ours...maintaining our flow and ease is a world that sometimes seems full of chaos and stress.

Whether it's an increase in work, relationship or health issues or just a busy time, we need to do our best to stay as centered as possible throughout and also to take the time to get back to center as soon as possible.

Being centered is a natural place where you feel healthy and capable. Not everything has to be perfect, but you feel competent, empowered and able to handle life's challenges with some sense of peace. Being off center creates varying levels of stress (some unknown on a conscious level) which in turn can create physical, emotional, energetic and mental imbalances. The longer and the more intense, the more the impact is generally felt.

Getting back to center sometimes takes work and time, working through an issue or discovering what's not working in our lives and making changes. If you've never known this place, it's imperative to discover it, and it's essential to our health, happiness and relationships to be there as much as possible. Sometimes it means just stopping to rest and rejuvenate, even just getting some extra sleep. It certainly involves a regular relaxation program or stress outlet, whether that is exercise, meditation/self-hypnosis or even just laughter. Allow your intuition and subconscious mind to guide you as to what's best for you. In the next few newsletters, I will suggest and teach a variety of simple but effective methods to assist you. 

Wishing you all a centered, happy, healthy life!

The Power of Your Non-Dominant Hand

There are many ways to access the subconscious mind and inner self for healing.  Self-hypnosis and mediation are common and well-known but I would like to present a simple, at-home technique that is less known about.  The process is simply writing with your non-dominant hand, a technique discovered by Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D. and discussed in her book “The Power of Your Other Hand.”

Writing with your other hand feels awkward at first, and you may want to start by simply writing your name or doodling.  To get the process moving a bit more, you can ask yourself a question with your dominant hand and then answer it with your non-dominant hand.  To be most effective, it’s best to find a quiet, private place to express yourself without pressure of time.  Don’t worry about messiness or slowness as this is normal.  Don’t rush the non-dominant hand and let it be comfortable and heard, perhaps for the first time. This is a tool that is easily learned, as you can see, but becomes more free-flowing quickly when done in a comfortable, non-judgmental setting.

Studies and her research show that in doing this, one can be more creative, expressive and intuitive as well as to gain insight in certain situations and issues.  One can heal relationships in the present and heal from the past.  One can release old emotions stored in the body and even discover new talents and strengths.  So the next time you’re wondering what’s going on with you, ask your other hand!  It just may have an answer for you.

Taking Care of Yourself

If the thought of taking care of yourself seems like a luxury, think again. If fact, nothing is more important in life. If we drain our health and happiness reserves, we are less able in life to love, take care of our responsibilities and move toward our goals.  Most problems of aging and illness are really just a buildup of life stressors over time, weakening us and wearing us down. The funny thing is, we are generally not taught how important this is or how to even do it.

We need to care for ourselves not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. All are important components, regardless of spirituality, as we all still have a spirit. We also must honor our experiences and feelings, taking the time to process. What this means to each individual widely varies and is usually dealt with as it bothers you. Just as a physical pain gets investigated by a doctor, we need to investigate other “pains” too.

For instance, anger is a helpful emotion when it causes you to change something needed, but if it feels destructive in your life, find a way to heal it. If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, afraid or even emotionally numb, investigate that also.

Our pains are always diagnostic; indicating something needs to change or an awareness needs to be made. Sometimes it simply needs to be understood, processed and released. There are infinite ways to heal, from meditation, hypnosis and self-hypnosis, energy healing, psychologists, and such. Allow yourself to be drawn to whatever method suits you as it is always your brilliant subconscious mind guiding you. Then, thank yourself for the insight and opportunity to be healthier overall.


Our culture is forever encouraging us to do more, be more and accomplish more.  Many of us have gotten so busy and stressed that pleasure has started to feel like an indulgence, a departure from our goals.  But what if taking time for fun and pleasure actually helps us achieve our goals?

Studies show this is true on a small scale as well as a larger scale.  For instance, the brain functions best if we give it a 15 minute break every 90 minutes.  Also, the brain solves problems best when we focus intently on the issue for a time, and then do something completely unrelated and engaging, such as exercise or having fun.  In this way, the subconscious mind and intuition are allowed time to process.  We’ve all had the experience of trying to think of a name but are unable to until we let it go.  Then it just pops in our head, hours or even days later!

More importantly, an “all work, no play” philosophy belies an undercurrent of negative beliefs regarding ourselves and life.  When we do our best to achieve our goals, and yet take the time to take care of ourselves and enjoy life, we signal to the universe that we expect things to go well and the universe can then do more for us. We are also more relaxed and able to see options and opportunities that we would otherwise miss.  It also signals to us that we trust ourselves as well as maintaining balance and better health.  When we expect things to be easier, they become so.  Why work harder when you can work smarter, and happier?  So, take a break.  You deserve it!