An Attitude of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is the ideal time to focus on all there is to be thankful for.  Naturally, at the top of the list are loved ones and a wonderful meal, but also appreciating the very joy of being alive, breathing, thinking, being able to make choices are just as important.

Noticing not just significant things in our lives, but appreciating all that we generally take for granted, is how we develop an attitude of gratitude. The benefits of gratitude are vast including, but not limited to, better health and a longer life, being able to handle challenges more easily, being happier and certainly an improved quality of life.                                       

It helps to make a long list of things to be thankful for and then add to it and reflect on it regularly.  It’s important to develop this attitude so that it stays with us in challenging times as well.  When we do this, we’re sure to live thankfully all year round.